Happy lights

Copper Star Waterfall Lights

Dear you,

Happy New Year! I hope you’ve had the best Christmas and still have lots of scrummy food to eat, I know I have. This is the first blog post I’ve written, I’ve wanted to do one for yonks but as we all know, silly little things always get in the way…so i thought the first one should be about something close to home, and of course something magical.

I don’t know about you, but i loathe January. The issue with working in retail and having your own business means that Christmas is a HHHUUUGGGGGGE time of year, and all the magic is planned as early as December the previous year, so there’s all that work and build up- buying, displaying, making, marketing, pricing, packaging and so much more- and as quick as a flash it’s over and we have to start again. And like many of us, starting again can either be riveting or down right scary and a big fat NOT TODAY. Myself can be found there.

New Years Day arrives and all i want to do is sleep, snack on all-things cheese and cuddle my dearest friends, Stanley and Ernie the spaniels. none of this “take down all the decks malarkey” and “lets have a salad for tea”, no thank you. It’s now Sunday 9th January and I still feel exactly the same. Tears are always a moment away and it seems like the cheer, sparkly air of December has left an overwhelming empty pit. Starting again is frightening and tiring, and i don’t have the energy to make my bed, let alone reforming a brand new “Me”.

SO first of all, lets talk about my kingdom, my cave-my terraced house den. My home means the world to me, which is obviously why I’m extremely lucky for mum and i to have our little business. When i feel as awful as i do, my home becomes my solace and the best thing to fill it with is of course, TWINKLY LIGHTS, and just like puppies, fairy lights are certainly not just Christmas.

The first thing I do when i wake is switch on my pretty lights. It brings a little, cosy feeling in my belly- a sort of warm hug to begin the day with, as if the room is giving me a gentle, reassuring nudge. I suddenly feel that even if i can’t do as much work as i should today, i can certainly give it a go. And i believe thats the thing that counts.

That’s the reason why our shop is always FILLED with twinkle, happy lights. If something as simple as switching on a plug can make us feel a little bit more capable, comfortable and in-control, then why the devil not?

If we’re on the same page, and you want to fill your home with some twinkle goodness, I’ve drawn up a little guide of the sorts of lights we do…who knew there were so many?!?!

Waterfall Lights

These are the ones found all over the ceiling in the shop! They are absolutely perfect for creating a cascading effect, a perfectly twinkly floating light style. Our tips for styling these are from the ceiling, and ironically they look best when the strands aren’t fully separated- simply get them out of the box and give them a shake, don’t waste your time untangling each strand, trust me they’ll look better! For an even greater visual impact, place them in front of a mirror- that way it’ll look like you have even more sparkly goodness!

Cluster lights

These a are absolutely beautiful at creating a dense, impactful style and are our “go-to” lights for foliage and garlands. Comes in one long strand with small, strand flecks coming off the main strand with the lights attached (really hard to describe, hence the guide). These are perfect for along the mantle, beams etc and create a thicker, denser look than single strand lights.


the original sort-comes on one long string and is the basic all-rounder for any look. Perfect to add virtually anywhere that needs a touch more magic. If you like the more random effect, i would definitely recommended the waterfall lights compared to these.

All our lights come on a very thin copper, gold, silver, green or black wire for a delicate, floating effect (not like the old fashioned thick green Christmas tree lights). We have the original floating droplets, or the star lights which are my personal favourite but my home is of course filled with both.

So, i suppose this is my way of saying “new me” can wait a little bit longer to bloom, and 2022’s chapter can begin once I feel ready to write it. The first thing I’m going to do is switch on my lights as with each reassuring nudge and warm hug, I’m closer to starting my chapter than i think.

Love Susie,

a primsisters lickle mowse x


Halloween at the nevermowse house